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Pogostemon deccanensis

Indian Aquatic Splendor: Pogostemon Deccanensis

Conifer-Like Bright Green Stems

  • Discover the unique charm of the Indian Pogostemon deccanensis, formerly known as Pogostemon erectus, a plant that captivates with its conifer-like, bright green stems. Its upright growth pattern, forming compact groups, brings a touch of structured beauty to any aquarium.
  • Ideal for aquarists seeking to add a vertical dimension and a fresh green hue to their underwater landscapes, Pogostemon deccanensis offers an elegant and refreshing change from the typical aquatic flora.

Versatile Background Plant

  • With a height range of 15-40 cm and a width of 1-3 cm, Pogostemon erectus is perfectly suited as a background plant, creating an impressive backdrop in the aquarium. It can serve as a wonderful focal point, drawing the eye with its unique texture and form.
  • Whether used in smaller or larger groups, this plant adds depth and interest to the aquarium, making it a versatile choice for both large and small tanks.

Light Requirements and Growth Habit

  • Intense light helps Pogostemon deccanensis maintain its compactness for a longer period, making it an ideal choice for well-lit aquariums. Under the right lighting conditions, the plant exhibits a more robust and dense growth.
  • Known for its moderate growth rate and vigorous root system, the plant ensures a stable and healthy presence in the aquarium.
  • Regular pruning is necessary to maintain its shape and encourage denser growth. This maintenance not only keeps the plant aesthetically pleasing but also healthy and vibrant.

Pogostemon deccanensis

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