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The African Dwarf Frog (Hymenochirus spp.) is a charming, fully aquatic amphibian that adds personality and activity to freshwater aquariums. Growing to a modest size of 2 to 2.5 inches, these frogs are peaceful, social creatures that thrive in groups and love exploring their environment. Their webbed feet, smooth skin, and quirky behaviors, such as floating motionless or darting to the surface for air, make them a fascinating addition to any community tank. African Dwarf Frogs are beginner-friendly and easy to care for as long as their tank includes soft substrates, gentle water flow, and hiding spots like plants or caves. With proper care, these delightful frogs can live for 5 years or more, providing endless enjoyment to aquarists of all experience levels.


Water Parameters for African Dwarf Frog

ParameterPreferred Range
Temperature72°F – 78°F (22°C – 26°C)
pH Level6.5 – 7.8
Water HardnessSoft to Moderately Hard (5 – 12 dGH)
Tank SizeMinimum 5 gallons (per frog)
Water FlowGentle

African Dwarf Frog

SKU: F642809
Excluding Sales Tax
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